Sustainable changes to transform your packaging process

Make sustainability a key business objective in 2022

What’s a central feature of January? We know this all too well…New Year Resolutions. The New Year offers a blank slate – an opportunity for new resolutions, new ambitions, and new changes.

Has your business set any resolutions for 2022? Perhaps becoming a more sustainable business was high on your list. If so, action is essential; as without action the already rapid and alarming impacts of the climate crisis will only worsen at a faster pace. From a packaging perspective, small initial changes such as swapping plastic for paper can play a significant long-term role within your businesses efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

For our latest blog we have collated a variety of sustainable and easy eco-conscious packaging swaps that can make a significant difference, and ensure your business is on the right track to become more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Switch to paper tape, opposed to plastic tape.

First off: an easy and simple change to make – switch plastic tape to paper tape. This small change will play an integral role in becoming a more sustainable and eco-conscious business. In a world which is drowning in plastic, your small change already eliminates a category of plastic from your packaging process. A small, yet significant change.

At Hub Packaging we supply a range of Water-Activated Paper Tapes, which creates a strong and secure seal that matches plastic tapes. One of paper tapes favourable qualities is its strength, meaning you can use less paper tape in comparison to plastic tape. Thereafter, minimising your use of packaging product in your packaging process. At Hub Packaging we stock the Better Pack® BP555 Electronic Water Activated Tape Dispenser, not only will this make your packaging more process more sustainable, but also more efficient.

The use of paper tape plays a significant role in the recycling process, due to its 100% recyclable nature, your customer will not need to remove the tape from the package, increasing the chances that they will recycle the packaging.

Swap plastic mailing bags for paper

Plastic mailing bags contribute to a large portion of the plastic use within your business, why not switch to paper mailing bags? Paper mailing bags are significantly more eco-conscious and sustainable; they are manufactured to be both biodegradable and 100% recyclable. At Hub Packaging we stock Tenzalopes™ Biodegradable Paper Wallets, in a variety of sizes; a great sustainable alternative plastic mailing bags, which are equipped with plain self-adhesive tabs.

For package protection, use bio-based void fill

Both sustainability and the environment are at the forefront of the public’s mind and opening a package which is full of plastic void fill can often be off-putting for customers, whilst suggesting that your business isn’t being environmentally conscious or considering sustainability.

However, if your business makes the switch to use bio-based void fill, it will positively effect customer experience and the environment. At Hub Packaging we stock both the Airwave PW-1 Air Pillow System, with accompany biofilm rolls in various sizes, such as PWF1B-1021 and PFW4B-4245 Air Wave BIOFILL bio-compostable Air Pillow Film. Both household-biodegradable films are made from by-products and peelings from the potato processing industry.

How Hub Packaging can help

If your business wants to make the switch to sustainable packaging this year, Hub Packaging are here to help. To find out more information about how Hub Packaging can assist you in making more eco-conscious packaging choices, get in touch today using any of the following methods. Our technical team can provide information regarding the products mentioned, and will reply to any queries you may have:

Sales (NI): +44 (0) 28 4175 4977 Sales (ROI):  +353 (1) 866 0136

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