Environmental Policy

Hub Packaging Ltd takes its responsibility to the environment seriously and recognises the importance of strong environmental management to our business.

Whilst our environmental footprint is negligible, we acknowledge that environmental focus is an integral part of our business and fundamental to our future success.

We are continuously looking to improve our environmental performance:

  • Complying and working to exceed the standards outlined by environmental legislation.

  • Raising staff awareness by training and educating our team.

  • Regularly assessing our environmental impact and taking corrective action as necessary.

  • Setting similar standards and expectations for our suppliers.

  • Promoting recycling, both internally and externally, at all times.

  • Conserving and reducing the use of natural resources through improved energy efficiency.

  • Managing waste and avoiding the use of hazardous substances.
    Implementing and promoting the use of recycled materials where appropriate.

  • Implementing efficient control procedures to monitor and manage our impact on the environment, thereby reducing and preventing pollution.

  • Publicising and promoting our Environmental Policy to all interested parties.

  • Seeking continuous improvement in our environmental performance.

  • Regularly monitoring progress and reviewing our performance every three months.

We have the appropriate processes to execute our plans and further develop sustainable practices to support long-term improvement to the quality of our environment.

Hub Packaging is ISO 14001 accredited.

Andrew Ward
Managing Director

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