Reduce Costs and Stress while Increasing Output!

It’s time to take it easier!
Our competitively-priced and super-reliable Semi- and Fully-Automatic machines are a great way of increasing your output, lowering Health & Safety risk and saving money at the same time!

We have helped customers with

  • Strapping Machines
  • Pallet & Parcel Strappers
  • Pallet Stretch Wrappers
  • Air Pillow and Void Fill Systems
  • Shrink Wrappers
  • Heat Sealers
  • Cardboard Shredders, and
  • Case Tapers

These machines and systems can be easily integrated into your current operation and we can design full warehousing, logistics and distribution stations to meet your specific requirements.

You can now contact Lester Coldrick – part man, part machine – to arrange an on-site audit of your needs and discover how Hub Packaging could boost your bottom-line.

Here are a few of our best sellers in action:

The Entry-Level TMS300 Table Strapper

(Watch the Video here)

The TRS650 Strapping Machine

(Watch the Video here)

The Mighty AFS900 Arch Strapper

(Watch the Video here)

The Range-Topping HQS80 Automatic Strapper

(Watch the Video here)

The S-Type Impulse Heat Sealer

(Watch the Video here)

The BP555 Water Activated Tape Dispenser
Electronic Water Activated Tape (WAT) Dispenser
(Watch the Video here)

The Ripak R3000 Heat Shrink System

(Watch the Video here)

The PSW001 Entry-Level Pallet Wrapping Turntable

(Watch the Video here)

The Awesome RSW6 Pallet Wrapping Robot

(Watch the Video here)

Our Eco-Range of Cardboard Shredders

(Watch the Video here)

The PW1 AirWave Air Cushion VoidFill System, featuring BioFill Air Cushion Film

(Watch the Video here)

To discuss any of these great machines please contact Lester Coldrick, Techical Sales & Service Guru, for a chat or to arrange a demonstration.

Lester Coldrick
Technical Sales & Service
Hub Packaging Limited

Tel: +44 (0) 28 4175 4977

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